Friday, November 6, 2020

Modern Problems

 Modern Problems

Introduction: In today's class we are talking about the topic of modern problems and we are studying ways to give advice, express prohibition, permission, and ability. Complete the following tasks with your partners.

Warm Up: Quote Discussion
Read four quotes about technology. For each one, answer the following questions:
  • What does it mean?
  • Do I agree, partially agree, or disagree with it? Why?
  • Can I think of any examples from my life related to this quote?

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Task 1: Group Discussion
Discuss these questions with your partners. You do not need to write the answers.
  • How often do you look at your cell phone?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10. How addicted are you to your phone? Why?
  • What apps or functions of your phone do you think are the most addictive? Why? What makes you want to check them?
  • Which apps or tools are functional for you but not addictive.

Task 2: Watch and React
Watch the video below called, "Are You Lost in a World Like Me?". This video is takes a critical look at the influence of smartphone technology on society. After you watch it, answer the questions below the video.

  • What are your immediate reactions to the video?
  • What do you think is the animator's message?
  • What aspects of our society are covered in the video?
  • Are there any other problems with phones and social media that were not mentioned in the video?
  • Think about the title of the video, "Are You Lost in a World Like Me?" What does that title mean to you? Do you think it is a good name for this video? Is there another title that you would suggest?

Task 3
: Reading and Speaking
Now click on your group link below to read an article about a similar topic. Follow the instructions in the document to complete the activity.

Task 4: Advice for Teens
Imagine you are working on a volunteer project to complete your Trabajo Comunal Universitario to graduate. In this project, you opened a website where teenagers can post questions about their problems and get feedback and advice from experts. CLICK HERE to go to the site. Read the three posts with your partners and respond to each one with advice and options to guide them to make the best decision. If you have time, add your own "teenage" problem in one of the free columns. 

Task 5: Preparation for Performance 4 - Panel Discussion
For your fourth and final performance task you will do individual research in order to participate in a structured panel discussion about a problem in society. CLICK HERE to read the guidelines for the performance.

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