Friday, November 20, 2020

World of the Future

World of the Future

Warm Up - Talking about Easter
Take 7 minutes to discuss the questions below with your partners. Click play on the video to start the timer.
  • What are two things you plan to do during your Holy Week vacation?
  • What is the typical weather of Holy Week in your area?
  • Do you like the Holy Week traditions, why or why not?
  • What is some typical food to eat during Holy Week? Do you like it?
  • Can you swim on Thursday and Friday of Holy Week?
  • What is a procession? What happens during a procession?
  • What movies do people watch during Holy Week? Do you like them?
  • Do people celebrate Holy Week more now than in the past?

Task 1 - Drawing the Future 
Click on your group link below. On each page, make 2 or 3 predictions about the future. Then make drawings to represent your predictions. You CAN'T write any text or add photos. Only drawings!

Task 2 - Interpreting the Future
Now, click the links of the other groups. Interpret the drawings and write a sentence saying what each drawing possibly means. You can use these phrases to start your sentences.
  • They could be saying...
  • They might mean that...
  • Maybe they think... 

Task 3 - Evaluating Predictions 
Read the list of predictions made by experts about the year 2065. Use the phrases in the yellow box to express your opinion about each one. Make sure you give reasons and details to support your opinion. You will have 7 minutes to complete this task. Click play on the timer so you can keep track of the time.

At Home

  • Most people will install solar panels or wind turbines on their houses or apartment buildings to generate their own electricity.
  • People will be recycle almost 100% of their waste (residuos) and people who don't recycle will have to pay a fine to the government.


  • Cars that use a lot of gas (ex. 4x4s) will be prohibited and many people will be driving electric cars.
  • Low-cost airlines will disappear and flights will be much more expensive.

The Environment

  • Paper books will not be produced so we can save trees from being cut down. All books will be electronic.
  • Fresh water will run out (agotarse) in many parts of the world and we will get much of our water from the ocean through desalination plants.

The Weather

  • Temperatures worldwide will rise even further. Many ski resorts will be closed because of a lack (escasez) of winter snow and some beaches and vacation resorts will disappear completely.
  • We will have even more extreme weather, and heat waves, hurricanes, floods, etc., will be frequent occurrences. 

    Task 4 - Reading and Speaking
    Now let's read more closely about predictions for the year 2065. Click on your group link and follow the instructions.

    Task 5 - Best Case / Worst Case Scenario
    You have analyzed many predictions. Now it is time to make your own. Click the ink below and find your group number in the document. You will see four categories. You can decide if you want to keep these or choose your own. For each category, make two predictions. One prediction should represent an optimistic "best case scenario" and the other shoudl represent the pessimistic "worst case scenario".

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