Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Practicing the Present Perfect

 Practicing the Present Perfect

Introduction: In today's mini lesson we are going to review a few communicative activities you can use to help students review the present perfect. Follow the tasks below.

Task 1: What does it Mean?
Read the sentences below then follow the instructions in the next part.
  1. I have lost my keys three times this month. What is wrong with me? ___
  2. She has played the piano since she was a small child. ___
  3. I have always wanted to go to Disneyland. ___
  4. They have visited Spain and France. ___
  5. John has read the article twice but he still doesn't understand it. ___
  6. William, have you cleaned your room yet? No, Mom but I'm about to do it now! ___

Below are three functions of the present perfect simple. Match each of these functions with the sentences above by writing the number and letter in the chat. Use each letter twice. The present perfect is used to talk about things that:
  • A) Began in the past and continue to now.
  • B) Have happened several times.
  • C) Happened at an unspecified time in the past (general life experiences).

Task 2: What is the Structure?
Reread the example sentences from Task 1 and analyze their structure. What can you say about it? In the chat, write the structure we use to form the:
  • Affirmative:
  • Negative:
  • Question:

Task 3: Spin the Wheel?
As you saw in the previous task, we have to use the past participle form of the verb. For regular verbs, it is very simple. The past participle and past simple forms are the same. You just add ED to the end of the verb. BUT, by now you know that there are many irregular verbs in English. Spin the wheel below and for each verb, say what the past simple and past participle form is. Then say the name of one of your group members and he or she will have to use the verb to form a correct presente perfect sentence or question. Then it is that partner's turn to spin the wheel.

Task 4: Let's Use the Language!
Now, let's use the present perfect to find out some information about your partners. In your group, decide who will be Student A, B, C, D, or E. Then click on your assigned group link below and go to your section of the document. Follow the instructions. Be ready to report back to the class with your findings.

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