Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Eating Out

Eating Out

Instructions: To continue our discussion of the topic of restaurants and eating out, let's take a few minutes to answer the following questions.

Task 1: Discussion Questions

  • How often do you go out to eat? Who do you most often go with? What kind of places to like to go to?
  • What is the fanciest restaurant you have eaten at? 
  • Do you prefer to go out or to order delivery to eat at home?
  • What are some cheap neighborhood restaurants near your house or work that you like? What do they serve? What do you like to order there? How much does the food cost?
  • What are some jobs in a restaurant? What are their responsibilities? What would be difficult about that job? What would be nice?
  • What is a restaurant or kind of food that you think is overrated (sobrestimado), or not as good as people say?

Task 2: Look at the restaurants and answer these questions. You can click the images to see a larger version. 

  • What kind of food or cuisine do you think they serve?
  • What are some of the typical ingredients or dishes of this kind of cuisine?
  • Do you like it?
  • Can you find restaurants in your area that serve this kind of food?

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