Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Useful Language and Strategies for Debates

Useful Language and Strategies for Debates

Instructions: For this speaking assessment you will have a group debate. The purpose of this activity is for you to work together with your group members to express your point of view in a clear, organized, and convincing manner. You now know the topic and your group's position. Complete the following tasks to prepare for the debate.

Task 1: Brainstorming


Take 5 minutes to think of as many ideas related to your point of view as possible. What are some possible reasons and details that could support your ideas? What are some common opinions that people have about this topic? What are some ways that you can look at this topic from a unique perspective?

Task 2: Organizing

Now that you have some ideas to work with, think about how you could best organize them. What are your strongest arguements? What is the most logical way to present your topics and subtopics? At this point, you should decided which group members should be in charge of the different topics.

Task 3: Predicting and Strategizing

Now that you have your ideas organized, it's time to think about your oponents. What arguments do you think the other group will make? How can you respond to these arguements if they mention them in the debate? What could be your bomb, secret weapon, or ace up your sleeve (as bajo la manga) that you could use in an emergency?

Task 4: Useful Language

These phrases can help you in the debate.
  • I agree with you, but...
  • That might be true, but...
  • I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you because...
  • That's simply not true!
  • Everyone knows that...
  • One reason for this is...
  • Another reason is...
  • On the other hand...

Can you think of other phrases that can help you in the debate?

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