Tuesday, January 21, 2020

More Practice With Irregular Verbs

More Practice with Irregular Verbs

Instructions: Irregular verbs in English do not follow the rule of VERB + ED to make the past and past participle. Instead, they come in different forms and you just have to memorize them if you want to learn them. In this activity you will continue your review of the most common irregular verbs.

Task 1: Fix the error and answer the question
In this task you will detect the errors in following questions, fix them, and answer the questions.

  • Have you ever lose something valuable? What was it? How did you lose it? 
  • When was the last time you feel sick? What did you have? What did you do?
  • Where did you went on your last vacation? What did you did?
  • Have you ever spend a lot of money in one day. What did you spend it on?
  • When did you begun studying English? 
  • What neighborhood did you grown up in? What was it like when you was a child?
  • How many times have you flew on a plane? When was the last time you fly on a plane?
  • When was the last time you wear a t-shirt and sandals?
  • How many times in the last decade have you wrote a letter by hand?

CLICK HERE to check your answers.

Task 2: Spin the Wheel to Tell a Story
In this task you will take turns adding sentences in the chat to write a story. You will spin the wheel and it will give you a verb in the present form. You have to transform it into the past and add it into your story. Make sure your story includes at least 6 sentences. 

When you finish you story, CLICK HERE to see a list of the most common irregular verbs. Here you can check that the verbs you wrote are in the right form.

Task 3

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