Monday, January 13, 2020

What's the Weather Like?

What's the weather like?

Instructions: On the platform last week you completed a reading about a weather forecast. In today's class we are going to complete several activities to practice language related to weather. Complete the tasks below. 

Task 1: Building our weather vocabulary.

Look at the image below and describe the different types of weather that you see for each number. What are the characteristics of that weather? You can click on the image to view a larger version. 

Now you will work with your partners to match the pictures with their corresponding vocabulary words. For this you will need to do two things!
  • Unscramble the words in the chart below and write them in your notebook or in the chat.
  • Match the vocabulary word with the corresponding photo by writing the number of the photo next to the unscrambled word.

When you are finished with all of the words, CLICK HERE to check your answers.

Task 2: Weather discussion questions.

Discuss the following questions with your partner. Be sure to provide reasons and details to support your opinions.
  • What was the weather like in your neighborhood last weekend?
  • What is your favorite kind of weather and why?
  • What activities do you like to do during that kind of weather?
  • What is your least favorite kind of weather and why?
  • What is a place in your country that you think has nice weather?
  • What is a place in your country that is hot and dry?
  • What is a place in your country that is hot and humid?
  • What is the coldest place you have been to in your country?
  • What are some extreme weather conditions that you have experienced?

Task 3: Create a weather forecast for your country. 

In this task you will create a radio weather report for different regions in your country. Choose three or four of the cities on the map below and create a weather report that mentions the current weather and temperature in those places as well as the predicted temperature and weather next Sunday. 

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