Friday, January 10, 2020

May I take your order?

May I take your order?

Instructions: You will participate in a restaurant role-play between a waiter and a customer. There will be two roles: Student A and Student B. Decide now which role you will play. You have two scenarios to participate in. In the first scenario, Student A will be the waiter and Student B will be the customer. Then in the second scenario, you will change. In each scenario, there are instructions and information for each student. There is only one rule you have to follow. You CAN'T look at your partner's information.

Scenario 1: Chico's Sports Bar and Grill

Chicos Sports Bar and Grill is a bar-restaurant in Miami, Florida. It is located near the stadium where the Miami Meat basketball team plays. In this scenario you will have a role-play between a waiter and a group of hungry tourists visiting the city.

Student A: You are a tourist visiting Miami and you decided to eat at Chico's Sports Bar. Look at the menu below and be prepared to ask your waiter lots of questions about:
  • The ingredients
  • The quantity and quality
  • The price
  • Waiter recommendations

Student B: You are a waiter at Chico's Sports Bar. Look at the menu below and be prepared to answer your customer's questions about:

  • The ingredients
  • The quantity and quality
  • The price
  • Your recommendations

Scenario 2: Soda La Cartaginesa

Soda La Cartaginesa is a typical working class restaurant located in Cartago, Costa Rica. It is visited mostly by locals but occasionally foreign tourists also eat here. In this scenario you will have a role-play between a waiter and a group of tourists who are unfamiliar with Costa Rican food. 

Student A: You are a waiter in Soda La Cartaginesa. Look at the menu below and be prepared to answer the tourists' questions about:
  • The ingredients
  • The quantity and quality
  • The price
  • Your recommendations

Student B: You are a tourist in Costa Rica and you decided to eat at Soda La Cartaginesa to try some typical Costa Rican food. Look at the menu below and be prepared to ask your waiter lots of questions about:
  • The ingredients
  • The quantity and quality
  • The price
  • Waiter recommendations

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